The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 8a: CloudNativePG Disk Size Problems

I recently started migrating my Grafana instance from Nomad to k8s and hit some very weird errors in the CloudNativePG DB after letting it run for a short while. This is an addendum to my previous post on CloudNativePG. The initial issue The first issue came during the first setup of Grafana. A couple of minutes after Grafana started running and writing data to the DB, the two database pods (primary and replica) suddenly stopped working and just threw this error:...

March 29, 2024 · 5 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 8: Setting up CloudNativePG for Postgres DB Support

Wherein I set up cloud-native-pg to supply Postgres clusters in my k8s cluster. This is part nine of my k8s migration series. PostgreSQL is currently the only DBMS in my Homelab. My initial plan was to just copy and paste the deployment over from my Nomad setup. But then I was pointed towards CloudNativePG, which is an operator for managing Postgres deployments in Kubernetes. But before I go into details on CloudNativePG, a short overview of my current setup in Nomad....

February 29, 2024 · 18 min · Michael