The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 11: Container Registry with Harbor

Wherein I migrate my internal container registry to Harbor. This is part 12 of my k8s migration series. Let’s start by answering the obvious question: Why even have an internal container registry? For me, there are two reasons: Some place to put my own container images A cache for external images Most of my internal images are slightly changed external images. A prime example is my Fluentd image. I’ve extended the official image with a couple of additional plugins....

April 27, 2024 · 22 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 10: Grafana

Wherein I migrate my Grafana instance over to k8s. This is part 11 of my k8s migration series. I already wrote about my love for metrics in the companion post about the Prometheus setup, so I will spare you my excitement about pretty graphs this time. 😉 For the Grafana setup, I used the kube-prometheus-stack’s integration of the Grafana Helm Chart. Database setup First step is to setup the database for Grafana....

April 6, 2024 · 11 min · Michael
The stylized FluentD logo of a bird in flight with the word 'Fluentd' next to it.

Bite Sized: Some K8s Logging Changes

While working on the logging setup for my Grafana, Loki and CloudNativePG deployments, I found that there were some things I disliked about my original k8s logging setup, which I described here. This is the start of a kind of post where I try to keep the reading time reasonably short. Whenever I prefix a post with “Bit Sized:”, you can expect a short one. I’m trying to wean myself off of the incredibly long, meandering posts I seem to keep putting out....

April 4, 2024 · 9 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 8a: CloudNativePG Disk Size Problems

I recently started migrating my Grafana instance from Nomad to k8s and hit some very weird errors in the CloudNativePG DB after letting it run for a short while. This is an addendum to my previous post on CloudNativePG. The initial issue The first issue came during the first setup of Grafana. A couple of minutes after Grafana started running and writing data to the DB, the two database pods (primary and replica) suddenly stopped working and just threw this error:...

March 29, 2024 · 5 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 9: Prometheus

Wherein I set up Prometheus for metrics gathering in the k8s cluster. This is part 10 of my k8s migration series. Let me tell you something about me: I love metrics. And pretty charts. The more the better. Back in 2020, setting up Prometheus+Grafana was what brought me to Homelabbing as a hobby, instead of just a means to an end, running some services I wanted to use. I had just gotten an updated ISP connection and found my old FritzBox not working anymore....

March 15, 2024 · 18 min · Michael