The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 17: Migrating my IoT Services

Wherein I migrate several IoT services over to Kubernetes. This is part 18 of my k8s migration series. This is going to be a short one. This weekend, I finished the migration of several IoT related services to k8s. Mosquitto is my MQTT broker, handling messages from several sources. For me, it’s only a listener - I do not have any actual home automations. Said mosquitto instance is scraped by mqtt2prometheus to get the data my smart plugs and thermometers produce into my Prometheus instance. Finally, I also migrated my Zigbee2MQTT instance over to the k8s cluster. It controls my Zigbee transceiver and sends the data from my thermometers on to mosquitto. ...

February 15, 2025 · 11 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 16: Migrating Gitea

Wherein I migrate my Gitea instance from Nomad to k8s. This is part 17 of my k8s migration series. I’ve been using Gitea as my Git forge for a while now. What’s now the Gitea instance started life is a Gogs instance in 2016, when I had to downsize my Homelab to a Raspberry Pi 3B that couldn’t handle all the things I wanted to run on it. I decided to get rid of my Gitlab instance and exchange it for Gogs. The switch back to Gitea then happened because Gitlab started eating 12% of my new home server’s CPU even when idle. ...

February 7, 2025 · 21 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 15: Migrating my CI

Wherein I migrate my Drone CI setup on Nomad to a Woodpecker CI setup on k8s. This is part 16 of my k8s migration series. Finally, another migration blog post! I’m still rather happy that I’m getting into it again. For several years now, I’ve been running a CI setup to automate a number of tasks related to some personal projects. CI stands for Continuous Integration, and Wikipedia says this about it: ...

January 26, 2025 · 27 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 14: Deploying the Backups

Wherein I’m finally done with the backups in my Homelab’s k8s cluster. This is part 15 of my k8s migration series. Finally, I’m done. After months of writing Python code for my backup operator. Especially during the middle phase of the implementation, after the initial planning and design, it felt like a slog. Dozens of tasks, many functions to implement, and seemingly no end in sight. I’m rather elated to finally be able to write another post in the k8s migration series. ...

January 23, 2025 · 11 min · Michael

Homelab Backup Operator Part III: Running Backups

In the last couple of months, I’ve been working on a k8s operator for running backups of persistent volumes and S3 buckets in my cluster. Previous installments of the series can be found here. And now, I’m finally done with it, and over the weekend, I ran the first successful backups. Time to describe what I’ve implemented, why and how. Recap Let’s start with a recap. For a more detailed description of the problem, have a look at this post in my k8s migration series. ...

January 10, 2025 · 21 min · Michael