The stylized FluentD logo of a bird in flight with the word 'Fluentd' next to it.

Bite Sized: Some K8s Logging Changes

While working on the logging setup for my Grafana, Loki and CloudNativePG deployments, I found that there were some things I disliked about my original k8s logging setup, which I described here. This is the start of a kind of post where I try to keep the reading time reasonably short. Whenever I prefix a post with “Bit Sized:”, you can expect a short one. I’m trying to wean myself off of the incredibly long, meandering posts I seem to keep putting out....

April 4, 2024 · 9 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 6: Logging with FluentD, Fluentbit and Loki

Wherein I document how I migrated my logging setup from Nomad to k8s. This is part seven of my k8s migration series. Setup overview Let’s start with an overview of the setup. Overview of my logging pipeline. It all starts out with the app’s logs. Those are output to stdout in the container. Then, my container runtime, cri-o, takes that and writes it to files in /var/log/containers/ by default. It also prefixes the log line with the timestamp, the stream it was coming from, and F for full log lines as well as P for partial log lines....

February 13, 2024 · 30 min · Michael