This is the fourth part of the Pi netboot series. Find the previous parts from the introductory article here.

In this part of the series, I will go over using a combination of HashiCorp Packer and Ansible to create an Ubuntu Linux image for a netbootable Raspberry Pi, using NFS for the boot partition and a Ceph RBD as the root device.

The goal here is to show you how to set up Packer and what configuration is needed to run an Ansible playbook in an aarch64 image on a x86_64 machine. While writing the article, I realized that it had already gotten pretty long, so I will move the description of the Ansible playbook as well as the final image deployment to future articles.

What is Packer?

HashiCorp’s Packer is a tool to conveniently and repeatably create OS images. It is mostly intended to create VM images for big cloud provider’s setups, but it serves very well for image creation for Raspberry Pis as well, as I have found.

The idea is to provide a base image, like in this case Ubuntu’s Raspberry Pi image, and then allow the user to define provisioning steps. These steps can be executed for example as shell scripts or Ansible playbooks. Packers task is to actually launch the image and execute the provider in it.

This does not just work for VM images, but also for example as a build tool for Docker images.

An example Packer file looks like this:

packer {
  required_plugins {
    docker = {
      version = ">= 0.0.7"
      source = ""

source "docker" "ubuntu" {
  image  = "ubuntu:xenial"
  commit = true

build {
  name    = "learn-packer"
  sources = [
  provisioner "shell" {
    environment_vars = [
      "FOO=hello world",
    inline = [
      "echo Adding file to Docker Container",
      "echo \"FOO is $FOO\" > example.txt",

Here, the source describes the virtualization to use (Docker in this case) and the source image. The build block then describes what to do once the image (in this case a Docker container) has been launched. In this example, a file is created in the Docker image.

To actually build the image, first the workspace has to be initialized by running packer init . in your working directory. Then, execute the build, assuming the above example was pasted into a file docker-ubuntu.pkr.hcl:

packer build docker-ubuntu.pkr.hcl

This is a pretty simple example, just requiring Docker to be set up. So what hoops do you have to jump through to run an aarch64 image and execute things (like the bash script in the previous example) in it?

Running aarch64 images with Qemu and binfmt_misc

Our goal is to provision an image for a Raspberry Pi - notionally, not an x86_64 host. So how to do that on our (mostly, these days?) amd64 daily drivers?

The answer: Qemu. In combination with the extremely cool binfmt_misc Linux kernel feature.

Learning about this feature was another one of those Whoa, Linux is so cool! moments for me.

To begin with, let’s quote the kernel docs again:

This Kernel feature allows you to invoke almost (for restrictions see below) every program by simply typing its name in the shell. This includes for example compiled Java(TM), Python or Emacs programs.

(I only now realized that this doesn’t just work for Qemu stuff, but seemingly also for e.g. Java progs…)

So what it allows you to do is this:

./packer version

And it will work. You will be able to execute aarch64 binaries without having to prefix them with anything, let alone fire up an entire VM.

To configure binfmt_misc, first install qemu on the host. It is important to ensure that static user binaries are enabled. In Gentoo, this is done with the static-user use flag. In Debian, install the qemu-user-static package. This is needed because the qemu binary will later be copied into the chroot of whatever image you chose to use. And that image’s shared libraries might be wildly different than those installed on the system where you’re running Packer. A static binary just makes life simpler here.

Next, the binary formats need to be configured, so the kernel knows how to run a binary with a specific format. This is done through configuration in /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/ files. On my Gentoo host, the file /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64 looks like this:

interpreter /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64
flags: OC
offset 0
magic 7f454c460201010000000000000000000200b700
mask ffffffffffffff00fffffffffffffffffeffffff

These files can be registered automatically, normally by an init system and depending on the distribution.

You can test whether you configured everything correctly by downloading any aarch64 binary and trying to execute it on your host.

With this prerequisite fulfilled, we can continue to setup Packer itself.

Packer setup

Setting up Packer itself is pretty simple, as it is only a single Go binary. You can either install it from your distro’s package manager or download the binary directly from here and move it to someplace in your $PATH.

While Packer supports an init command, it is not required for our purposes. Instead, we will manually install the packer-builder-arm plugin. This plugin allows us to run image creation for aarch64 images via chroot. The plugin can be found at mkaczanowski/packer-builder-arm.

As there are no binaries provided, the repository needs to be checked out and build. This can be done with the following sequence of commands in the current directory:

git clone packer-builder-arm-src
cd packer-builder-arm-src
go mod download
go build

This will create a packer-builder-arm executable. Copy that executable to your future Packer workspace. If you would like to store the plugin in a more central place, you can follow the instructions in the Packer config on the plugin directory.

And with that, the setup is finally complete and we can get to the image creation itself.

Finally: The image creation

To create images, Packer uses image template files. These template files are described here, but in most cases, the options are dictated by the builder and provisioners you are using.

Without further ado, here is the template file for my Raspberry Pi images. The template supports both, images for netboot and images for hosts with a local disc.

Don’t be overwhelmed, I will go through the different sections piece by piece. 😉

variable "hn_hostname" {
  type = string
  description = "Hostname for the machine which uses this image."

variable "hn_netboot" {
  type = bool
  description = "Should the host netboot or should it boot from a local disk?"

variable "hn_host_id" {
  type = string
  description = "ID of the raspberry pi"

local "mountpath" {
  expression = "/tmp/packer-${uuidv4()}"

local "foobar-pw" {
  expression = vault("secret/foobar", "pw")
  sensitive = true

local "hn_ceph_key" {
  expression = vault("secret/cephbar", "key")
  sensitive = true

source "arm" "ubuntu" {
  file_urls = [""]
  file_checksum_url = ""
  file_checksum_type = "sha256"
  file_target_extension = "xz"
  file_unarchive_cmd = ["xz", "-T0", "--decompress", "$ARCHIVE_PATH"]
  image_mount_path = "${local.mountpath}"
  image_build_method = "reuse"
  image_path = "${var.hn_hostname}.img"
  image_size = "2.3G"
  image_type = "dos"
  image_partitions {
    name = "boot"
    type = "c"
    start_sector = "2048"
    filesystem = "fat"
    size = "256M"
    mountpoint = "/boot/firmware"
  image_partitions {
    name = "root"
    type = "83"
    start_sector = "526336"
    filesystem = "ext4"
    size = "3.4G"
    mountpoint = "/"
  image_chroot_env = ["PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin"]
  qemu_binary_source_path = "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64"
  qemu_binary_destination_path = "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64"

build {
  sources = ["source.arm.ubuntu"]

  provisioner "ansible" {
    extra_arguments = [
      "--extra-vars", "imhotep_pw=${local.foobar-pw}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_hostname=${var.hn_hostname}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_netboot=${var.hn_netboot}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_host_id=${var.hn_host_id}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_ceph_key=${local.hn_ceph_key}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_pi=true",
      "--user", "ubuntu",
    playbook_file = "${path.root}/../bootstrap-ubuntu-image.yml"



The first part consists of input and local variables:

variable "hn_hostname" {
  type = string
  description = "Hostname for the machine which uses this image."

variable "hn_netboot" {
  type = bool
  description = "Should the host netboot or should it boot from a local disk?"

variable "hn_host_id" {
  type = string
  description = "ID of the raspberry pi"

local "mountpath" {
  expression = "/tmp/packer-${uuidv4()}"

local "foobar-pw" {
  expression = vault("secret/foobar", "pw")
  sensitive = true

local "hn_ceph_key" {
  expression = vault("secret/cephbar", "key")
  sensitive = true

The Packer guide on variables can be found here. The difference between variable and local is that the variable definition expects the variable to be set from the outside, while the local definition is for purely local variables. To decide which one to use, just ask yourself: Is this value going to change between different Packer invocations or not?

My input variables are the following:

  • hn_hostname This is the name of the host I’m currently creating
  • hn_netboot Boolean determining whether the host is going to netboot or use a local disk
  • hn_host_id This field contains the host ID. In the case of the Raspberry Pi, this is the serial number from /proc/cpuinfo.

As you can see, all the input variables are things which will change from host to host.

The local variables are mostly things which can be automatically gathered:

  • mountpath Just a random path in /tmp as a mount directory for chroot
  • foobar-pw This variable uses Packer’s Vault function to collect a password from HashiCorp Vault. In this case, it is the password for my Ansible user.
  • hn_ceph_key Again Vault access, this time to get the Ceph auth key for access to the root volume pool on the Ceph cluster

You can of course use other functionality to get at your passwords in a convenient way. The sensitive=true parameter tells Packer that it should not print this value into any logs or stdout.

The input variables can be handed into the Packer invocation in several different ways. The first one is via the command line like this:

packer build -var "foo=bar" ...

The one I chose is via variable files. These files should have the .pkrvars.hcl file ending. They look like this:

hn_hostname = "mypi"
hn_netboot = true
hn_host_id = "abcdef123"

They can be handed to a Packer invocation with the var-file flag:

packer build -var-file=./foobar.pkrvars.hcl

So a full run of Packer with the above variable file in ./mypi.pkrvars.hcl and the Packer template in ./pi.pkr.hcl would look like this:

packer build -var-file=./mypi.pkrvars.hcl ./pi.pkr.hcl

The source definition

Next comes the definition of the image source. This definition largely depends on the builder being used, in this case packer-builder-arm:

source "arm" "ubuntu" {
  file_urls = [""]
  file_checksum_url = ""
  file_checksum_type = "sha256"
  file_target_extension = "xz"
  file_unarchive_cmd = ["xz", "-T0", "--decompress", "$ARCHIVE_PATH"]
  image_mount_path = "${local.mountpath}"
  image_build_method = "reuse"
  image_path = "${var.hn_hostname}.img"
  image_size = "2.3G"
  image_type = "dos"
  image_partitions {
    name = "boot"
    type = "c"
    start_sector = "2048"
    filesystem = "fat"
    size = "256M"
    mountpoint = "/boot/firmware"
  image_partitions {
    name = "root"
    type = "83"
    start_sector = "526336"
    filesystem = "ext4"
    size = "3.4G"
    mountpoint = "/"
  image_chroot_env = ["PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin"]
  qemu_binary_source_path = "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64"
  qemu_binary_destination_path = "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64"

Here, most things are self-explanatory. I’m using Ubuntu’s most recent 22.04 Raspberry Pi image as the base for my images. One notable option is image_mount_path. This option can be left undefined and is then set to a random subdirectory in /tmp. But this is not an option here, as we need to know the precise directory for later use in the Ansible provisioner.

Also important are the image_partitions definitions. These describe what partitions Packer can expect to find. To figure out the exact values, the following command can be used on the future source image:

fdisk -l <IMAGE>

Disk 9e458e3cbbfebfb2e8c0d717665bc43e1c29f286: 3.79 GiB, 4068480000 bytes, 7946250 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xdeca7dfc

Device                                     Boot  Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
9e458e3cbbfebfb2e8c0d717665bc43e1c29f286p1 *      2048  526335  524288  256M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
9e458e3cbbfebfb2e8c0d717665bc43e1c29f286p2      526336 7946215 7419880  3.5G 83 Linux

That command shows all necessary information to correctly fill out the image_partitions entries in the template.

Finally, there are the Qemu/chroot config options. The most important one is the qemu_binary_source_path. This path indicates where the static loader binary used by binfmt_misc is located. As the packer-builder-arm plugin uses a chroot for provisioning, the binary binfmt_misc would use to run aarch64 binaries needs to be available inside the chroot.

Here comes one of the few problems with this image creation setup: This config option makes the Packer template file non-portable. This is due to the fact that the qemu-aarch64 not only resides in different places on different distros, but might also have different names. For example, on my main Gentoo desktop, the binary is located in the directory indicated in the config: /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64. But in another Debian based machine, the file resides at /usr/libexec/qemu-binfmt/aarch64-binfmt-P.


Finally, we come to the build/provisioning part. Here, I’m using the previously defined source and run Ansible on the mounted image, via packer-builder-arm’s chroot mechanism.

build {
  sources = ["source.arm.ubuntu"]

  provisioner "ansible" {
    extra_arguments = [
      "--extra-vars", "imhotep_pw=${local.foobar-pw}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_hostname=${var.hn_hostname}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_netboot=${var.hn_netboot}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_host_id=${var.hn_host_id}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_ceph_key=${local.hn_ceph_key}",
      "--extra-vars", "hn_pi=true",
      "--user", "ubuntu",
    playbook_file = "${path.root}/../bootstrap-ubuntu-image.yml"


The documentation of the Ansible provisioner can be found here.

The provisioner part is the part where Packer can be used to make changes to a source image. In this case, Ansible will be run against the image, using the playbook indicated in the playbook_file entry. The ${path.root} variable always contains the directory where the template file lives.

The next part is the --connection Ansible parameter. This needs to be set to chroot, because we’re only doing a chroot for the image, not launching an entire VM which could run SSH.

Also connected to the connection is the inventory-file parameter for Ansible. Ansible always needs to operate against an inventory of hosts. This inventory is automatically provided by Packer. The same goes for the limit option, which also uses the provided inventory.

Next, all of the input and local variables are forwarded to the Ansible playbook. The only interesting part here is the hn_pi=true variable. This is necessary in my setup because the bootstrap-ubuntu-image.yml file is used not only for Pi hosts but also other Ubuntu hosts (more on doing a full Ubuntu install with Packer and Qemu in a later post), while still having to do a couple of Raspberry Pi specific things.

The Ansible playbook

Alright, I have just realized that this article is already pretty long. I think the Ansible playbook deserves it’s own article coming soon.