Wherein I talk about the Ingress setup for my Homelab’s k8s cluster with Traefik.

This is part four of my k8s migration series.

After the initial setup of some infrastructure like external-dns and external-secrets, I went to work on the Ingress implementation for my cluster.

I chose Traefik as my Ingress controller. This was mostly driven by the fact that I’m already using Traefik as the proxy in front of my current Nomad cluster, and I’ve become quite familiar with it.

One big advantage of Traefik is the extensive support for a wide array of what they call Configuration Providers. In my current Nomad setup, I’m making use of the Consul provider. In comparison to software like Nginx or Apache, I can configure all proxy related config in the service block of my Nomad jobs, as labels on the Consul service definition. This allows for centralization of the entire config related to a specific service, instead of having two places: The config for the service’s deployment, and the proxy config.

Networking options

While planning my k8s cluster, I considered two different ways of doing networking for the Ingress. The first one is to simply have the proxy using the host’s networking. This is the setup that I’m currently working with in my Nomad setup. I’ve got the Traefik job pegged to a single host, and then I’ve got a hard-coded A entry in my DNS pointing to that machine. Traefik then listens on port 443 and so forth. Then I’m adding CNAME entries to DNS for other services running through that proxy.

I set Traefik up the same way during my k8s experiments. But this has one large downside: High availability. If the ingress host goes down, not only is Traefik down, but also all services served through it. That doesn’t bother me too much, but with k8s, I had a different option: Services of type LoadBalancer. This has the advantage that I no longer have to restrict Traefik to a specific host to get a stable IP to point all the DNS entries at. Instead, the stable IP is now supplied by Cilium, which also announces routes to those IPs to my router.

The one downside of the LoadBalancer approach is that source IPs are not necessarily preserved. This makes functionality like IP allow lists in Traefik pretty useless. The fix for this is to use externalTrafficPolicy: Local on the Service. This config ensures that Cilium announces only the IPs of the hosts which currently run a Traefik pod, and then the cluster-internal, source NAT’ed routing does not apply, and source IPs are preserved.


I’m using the official Helm chart for my deployment. Currently, I’m only running a single replica, but that might change in the future.

I will go through my values.yaml file piece-by-piece, to make the explanation a bit more manageable.

Let’s start with the values for the Deployment itself:

  healthchecksPort: 4435
    homelab/ingress: "true"
  - "--ping.entryPoint=health"
  - "--providers.kubernetesingress.ingressendpoint.hostname=ingress-k8s.mei-home.net"
  homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
    level: DEBUG
    format: json
    enabled: true
    format: json
  prometheus: null
    cpu: "250m"
    memory: "250M"

I’m not changing very much about the deployment, safe for setting a specific health port. This is there just because it’s the same for my Nomad Traefik. The homelab/ingress label is there to be used in NetworkPolicy manifests to allow access for Traefik to services proxied through it.

The ingressendpoint option is an option which ensures that external-dns later just creates a CNAME entry for each Ingress resource pointing to the given DNS entry, which will point to the Traefik LoadBalancer Service IP.

I’m disabling metrics here because I have not yet set up Prometheus. The resources assignments are simply coming from the metrics I’ve gathered from my Nomad Traefik deployment over the years.

Next, let’s define Traefik’s ports. I’m staying with the ports for HTTP and HTTPS here. There are a couple more, like the health port, but I’m leaving them out for the sake of brevity (yes, you are allowed to chuckle dryly now 😉).

  traefik: null
  websecure: null
  metrics: null
    port: 8000
    exposedPort: 443
    expose: true
    protocol: TCP
      enabled: true
      - traefik-ingress-compression@kubernetescrd
      - traefik-ingress-headers-security@kubernetescrd
      - traefik-ingress-local-net@kubernetescrd
    port: 8081
    exposedPort: 80
    expose: true
    protocol: TCP
      port: secureweb

The traefik, websecure and metrics ports are enabled in the default values.yaml file of the chart, but I’m using my own nomenclature. I will also show the manifests for the middlewares later.

The port options impact two manifests generated by the chart. First, the pod template, which defines the entrypoints for all of them via CLI arguments for the Traefik pod:


Those ports are also used in the definition of the Service:

Port:                     secureweb  443/TCP
TargetPort:               secureweb/TCP
NodePort:                 secureweb  31512/TCP
Port:                     web  80/TCP
TargetPort:               web/TCP
NodePort:                 web  30208/TCP

Traefik also provides a nice read-only dashboard to see all the configured routes, services and so forth. It is supplied with an Ingress via the chart:

    enabled: true
      - admin
      - name: admin-basic-auth
        namespace: traefik-ingress
    enabled: true
      - health

As you can see, this is not a default Kubernetes Ingress, but instead Traefik’s own Ingress definition, the IngressRoute. Normal Kubernetes Ingress manifests also work fine, but they need to then supply Traefik options via annotations.

Next comes the Service definition:

  enabled: true
  single: true
  type: LoadBalancer
    external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: ingress-k8s.mei-home.net
    io.cilium/lb-ipam-ips: ""
    homelab/public-service: "true"
    externalTrafficPolicy: Local

With the single option, you can configure whether Traefik creates a single Service for both TCP and UDP or a separate Service for each. The external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname annotation sets the DNS name automatically configured by external-dns. I’m also setting a fixed IP instead of letting Cilium assign one from the pool, so I can properly configure firewall rules. The homelab/public-service label is significant, because it denotes the services which Cilium announces. See my post on using the Cilium BGP load balancer. As noted above, externalTrafficPolicy: Local gives me source IP preservation.

The last base configuration options are for TLS, but I will go into more details about how I manage the TLS cert later on.


In Traefik, Middlewares are part of the request handling pipeline. A request enters Traefik via any of the EntryPoints. Then, all Middlewares are applied. These range from IP allow listing to URL rewriting. They can be assigned to EntryPoints, which means they are getting applied to every request, or to specific routes via Ingress or IngressRoute configs.

I’m using a couple of them, which I supply via the Helm chart’s extraObjects value:

  - apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Middleware
      name: compression
        homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
      compress: {}
  - apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Middleware
      name: headers-security
        homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
        stsSeconds: 63072000
        stsIncludeSubdomains: true
        customFrameOptionsValue: "sameorigin"
        contentTypeNosniff: true
        referrerPolicy: "same-origin"
        browserXssFilter: true
  - apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Middleware
      name: local-net
        homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
          - ""
          - ""

The first one, compression, just enables the compression middleware.

headers-security adds a couple of best practices headers to all requests for security’s sake. The last one, local-net, is an IP allow list for some of my Homelab subnets.

Securing the dashboard

Let’s look at the IngressRoute for the dashboard a second time, specifically its middlewares option:

  - name: admin-basic-auth
    namespace: traefik-ingress

This option enables the following middleware:

- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
  kind: Middleware
    name: admin-basic-auth
      homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
      secret: basic-auth-users

This is a BasicAuth middleware, adding HTTP basic auth to my dashboard, just as another layer of security.

This middleware expects the secret basic-auth-users to contain a key users, where the users are listed in the following format:


The entries can for example be created with htpasswd.

In my setup, I’m handling secrets via my Vault instance with external-secrets. I’ve described the setup here. The secret definition for the basic auth secret looks like this:

apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: "basic-auth-users"
    homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
    name: my-vault-store
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  refreshInterval: "15m"
    creationPolicy: 'Owner'
          homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
        users: |
          {{ printf "{{ `{{ .user1 }}` }}" }}          
    - secretKey: user1
        key: "secret/my_kubernetes_secrets/cluster/ingress/auth/user1"
        property: val

What happens here is that external-secrets takes the JSON object returned by Vault for the secret/my_kubernetes_secrets/cluster/ingress/auth/user1 path, and then takes the val key in that object, putting it into user1. That’s then accessed in the template for the Kubernetes Secret.

The weird {{ printf "{{ '{{ .user1 }}' }}" }} syntax comes from the fact that I’m using Helmfile for my Helm charts management, and that puts value files through a round of Go templating. That’s what the outer printf is used to escape. Then that value file goes through Helm’s templating. That’s escaped by {{ }} and the backticks. And then {{ .user1 }} is the template that’s used by external-secrets.

The TLS certificate

My TLS certificate is a wildcard certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Sadly, my domain registrar does not support an API for the DNS entries, so for now I have to solve the DNS challenge manually. I’m using the LE cert for both, internal and external services. Mostly so that I don’t have to muck around with distributing a self-signed CA cert to all my end-user devices. After I’ve renewed the cert, I push it to Vault and use it from there.

The ExternalSecret for getting the certs into Kubernetes looks like this:

apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: "le-cert"
    homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
    name: my-vault-store
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  refreshInterval: "15m"
    creationPolicy: 'Owner'
      type: kubernetes.io/tls
          homelab/part-of: traefik-ingress
        tls.key: |
          {{ printf "{{ `{{ .privkey }}` }}" }}          
        tls.crt: |
          {{ printf "{{ `{{ .fullchain }}` }}" }}          
    - extract:
        key: secret/my_kubernetes_cluster/cluster/ingress/le-cert

The two-level escape of the {{ .privkey }} and {{ .fullchain }} templates is again to make sure neither Helmfile nor Helm itself try to interpret the templates.

Here, I’m using a slightly different format for fetching the secret. With dataFrom instead of data, as in the basic auth secret, I’m getting the entire JSON object from that path, instead of a specific key from that object. When I push my cert to Vault, I have four keys, with the private key, the cert itself, the cert chain and the full chain. Here, I only need the private key and the full chain.

This secret is then used in Traefik’s TLSStore:

      secretName: le-cert

Network policies

Before coming to an example, I also want to show the NetworkPolicy I’m using:

apiVersion: "cilium.io/v2"
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
  name: "traefik-allow-world-only"
  endpointSelector: {}
    - fromEndpoints:
      - {}
    - fromEntities:
      - world

With the {} endpointSelector, the policy is applied to all pods in the namespace the policy resides in. In this particular case, that’s only the Traefik pod. The fromEndpoints: setting in turn says that ingress should be allowed from all pods within the same namespace. Finally the only really interesting setting here is the fromEntities: [world]. This setting allows all external traffic from nodes which are not managed by Cilium, meaning the rest of my Homelab and especially my end-user devices.

Example Ingress

Last but not least, let’s have a look at a quick example. In my post about load balancers, I introduced a simple echo server and made it available via a LoadBalancer type Service. With Traefik up and running, I can now switch that service to ClusterIP and introduce the following Ingress manifest:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: testsetup-ingress
  namespace: testsetup
    traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints: secureweb
    homelab/part-of: testsetup
    - host: testsetup.mei-home.net
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: testsetup-service
                  name: http-port

The only Traefik specific config here is the entrypoints annotation, telling Traefik to accept connections to the service on the secureweb entrypoint.

One nice thing about external-dns is that I don’t have to provide an extra annotation to create a DNS entry. It is automatically created from the host: value.

Traefik will parse the Ingress and create a route, where requests are routed by which domain they request. Traefik then automatically routes those requests via the Kubernetes Service and will automatically execute all the Middlewares for the secureweb entrypoint.

To ensure that Traefik can access the echo pod, I also needed another network policy:

apiVersion: "cilium.io/v2"
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
  name: "testsetup-deny-all-ingress"
  endpointSelector: {}
    - fromEndpoints:
      - {}
      - matchLabels:
          homelab/ingress: "true"
          io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: traefik-ingress

Again, this policy is applied to all pods in the namespace for my testsetup pod, and it allows ingress from all pods in that namespace. But the Traefik pod lives in another namespace, and so access needs to be explicitly granted. That’s what the matchLabels key is about, where I provide my ingress label and, importantly, also the namespace, as that’s part of Cilium’s secure identity.

And with that, another piece of important cluster infrastructure is up. 🙂