A couple of weeks ago, I migrated my Jellyfin instance to my Kubernetes cluster. This involved copying my approximately 1.7 TB worth of media from the baremetal Ceph cluster to the new Rook Ceph cluster. And I’d like to dig a bit into the metrics and try to read them like the entrails of a slain beast during a full moon at the top of a misty mountain. Just this much, the portents don’t look good for one of my HDDs.

So come and join me while we find out together whether I can press 30 minutes worth of blog post out of a single rsync command. 🤓

UPDATE: Hey look there, another victory for project “articles, not tomes”: 17 minutes. 🎉

Setting the table

So what are we looking at today? The story of me executing this command:

rsync -av --info=progress2 --info=name0 /mnt/baremetal/* /mnt/rook/

This command takes my entire media collection and copies it from my baremetal Ceph cluster to my Rook ceph cluster. This copy involves four physical hosts, four HDDs, a 1 Gbps switch, two VMs and a Kubernetes cluster. The final output from the command looks like this:

sent 1,748,055,479,314 bytes  received 155,334 bytes  54,890,039.24 bytes/sec
total size is 1,853,006,549,228  speedup is 1.06

Overall, this took about 9 hours. Now, that 54 MB/s might not look too impressive, even for spinning rust. This is, at least partially, just due to the way Ceph works. Any write is first done to a WAL, which means there’s some extra IOPS required besides the write of the actual data. Plus there was some other IO going on at the same time, and while that’s generally pretty low-level in my cluster, it still costs IOPS.

But of course, we’re in Meier’s Homelab here. We don’t need to read tea leaves. We have 200 GB worth of Prometheus TSDB around here.

It ain’t looking good

Before diving into the metrics, there’s one problem to note: You will be seeing that there are holes in the metrics. Quite a lot of them, in fact. Those are there because while the copy operation was running, the Prometheus Pod was restarted multiple times. I caught this at the beginning of the copy process. Looking at the Pod, it got automatically restarted due to the liveness probe failing. After every restart, it took quite a while to come up again. And I’m pretty sure that’s because of the copy operation. The volume Prometheus is using is located on the same HDD pool that the media collection was getting copied to. And as you will see later, those HDDs were completely slammed by the copy operation. Which is okay in general, of course. Ceph should be using all the IOPS available to it.

But I found myself a bit disappointed, to be honest. I would have expected that there was some good IO scheduling going on in Ceph. But seemingly, it allowed other IO operations to be starved to such a degree that Prometheus repeatedly (as in: dozens of times) failed its liveness probe. In the Ceph logs, I saw messages about IOPS being delayed for up to 90 seconds. It didn’t really break anything, and the cluster stayed up through all of it - it was just that some disk operations were really slow. So I’m not ditching Ceph or anything like that. I might even be wrong with my assumptions - it might not have been IO contention, but instead network contention. But I will definitely be looking a bit deeper into which knobs I can tune in Ceph’s scheduling behavior. And also into throwing some further SSDs into my Ceph hosts to serve as RocksDB/WAL storage for my HDD OSDs. But then there’s actually the problem that one of my Ceph hosts is an Odroid H3, which only has two SATA ports. 🙄

But finally enough with the text - let’s move to the plots!


Let’s begin by having a look at the IO utilization on the disks involved. As I’ve noted above, they’re all HDDs. Two 2016 WD Red 4 TB, both in the baremetal cluster, so they will only get read operations. Then two Seagate platters, one with 8 TB and one with 4 TB. Those are the disks which are getting written to.

Let’s start with a look at the IO of the two source HDDs:

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It's titled 'I/O utilization' and shows the interval from 23:00 on one day to 09:15 the next. On the Y axis, the percentage of the I/O utilization is given. The panel contains two plots. Both start at around 2%. They go up around 23:30, the lower plot to around 40%, the higher plot to around 50%. This remains relatively stable, besides a number of spikes, most of them down to a lower percentage. Then around 04:00 both plots rise sharply, with the higher plot raising to a max of 92% and the lower plot to around 70%. They keep this higher level, again with a few spikes, until about 07:45, where they go down to around 40% and 30% respectively. Finally, at about 08:50, they fall back to around 2%.

I/O utilization of the two source HDDs on the baremetal cluster.

This plot shows the result of the following Prometheus queries:


So this is the percentage of time both HDDs spend actually serving IO. In contrast to what I noted above, I ended up deciding to enable Grafana’s “Connect null values” option instead of leaving in the holes created by Prometheus being restarted. You can see a pretty large gap at the beginning of the plots, from roughly 23:32 to 00:00. That’s where I initially wanted to look at the metrics while the copy was running, but Grafana sending queries to Prometheus was what made the liveness probes fail for the first time, and me insisting that this should work was what increased the length of the data gap, when compared to the others strewn throughout the plots. Two things are noteworthy about this plot. First, the time where the I/O suddenly increases, from 04:00 to 07:50 or thereabouts. That wasn’t a sudden increase in the write throughput on the receiving cluster, but rather just the fact that I’ve got Ceph’s scrubs configured for that time range. And forgot to disable them for the occasion. Second, note that at no point were the source HDDs actually fully loaded. So the bottleneck wasn’t the read speed.

So what did the two target disks’ utilization look like? So glad you asked. 😁

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It's titled 'I/O utilization' and shows the interval from 23:00 on one day to 09:15 the next. On the Y axis, the percentage of the I/O utilization is given. The panel contains two plots. Both start at around 2%. They go up around 23:30, but there's a far larger difference than in the previous panel. The lower plot only goes up to around 30%, but with a relatively large fluctuation throughout the entire interval, from almost 0% as the low to 50% as the max. The higher of the two plots goes up to 100% and stays there, save for a few dips to as low as 40%. As in the previous panel, the plots go back down to around 2% - 5% around 08:50.

I/O utilization of the two target HDDs on the Rook cluster.

This plot shows a very stark difference. One of the disks is completely slammed, while the other one is only relatively lightly loaded at around 30%, but with large fluctuations. I will get back later to the completely slammed disk.

But let’s first take a look at the disk hovering around 30%, because here I believe I’ve made a mistake. This disk sits in my old home server, which I reactivated for the Kubernetes migration to provide some extra capacity. The issue now is: The Pod doing the copying from the baremetal cluster to the Rook cluster was sitting on a different VM on the same host. And the physical host is only connected to the rest of the network, including the 100% disk and the two source disks, with a 1 Gbps link. So let’s see whether this might have been the bottleneck, by looking at the network activity of that physical host during the copy operation:

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It shows again the 23:00 to 09:30 time frame, but this time it contains network activity. There are two plots again, one for the transmit rate and one for the receive rate. Like before, both rates raise sharply at 23:30 and go down to their previous couple of Mbps values around 08:50. Between that, the receive rate reaches a maximum around 800 Mbps, while the transmit rate hovers around 500 - 600 Mbps. Both show pretty large spikes both up and down. But neither of the two plots ever reaches the 1 Gbps boundary.

Network activity for the physical 1 GbE interface connecting the VM host running one HDD OSD and the Pod running the actual transfer with the other three Ceph hosts.

My theory does not seem to pan out entirely. While yes, the receive rate on the interface is pretty high, it’s nowhere near saturated. I also ran an iperf test and I can easily reach 940 Mbps between all of the hosts involved. What I’m wondering about a bit: Does Ceph itself have some sort of rate limiting, to ensure that it doesn’t entire saturate a connection? It could at least imagine that. I have also checked the source hosts, and they’re both transmitting at about 300 Mbps each, so they’re also not saturating their network links.

One simple explanation could be: The Ceph pool I’ve been writing to is a 2x replicated pool. So each piece of data needs to be written to both HDDs. And if one of the HDDs gets completely slammed, the other HDD would not be able to write at its maximum speed because it wouldn’t be able to write the second copy of the data fast enough. I hope I remember this theory when I’m done with the migration and I integrate the two baremetal Ceph hosts and their disks back into the Rook cluster. I will discuss the problematic disk/host a bit more later.

But before that, let’s take a look at write/read I/O load on the HDDs involved in the copy, starting with the read speeds on the source HDDs:

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It shows again the 23:00 to 09:30 time frame. This time it is labeled 'Bytes read' and shows the read rates on the two source HDDs for the copy operation. The rate is near zero for both until 23:30, when the copy operation starts. Then both disks ramp up to around 30 MB/s where they stay until 04:00, when the rates of both disks increase to 50 MB/s, before going down to around 25 MB/s at 07:45 and then down to zero again around 08:50.

Read rate of the two source HDDs during the copy operation.

This again shows that the copy was not constraint by the source disks. When the Ceph scrub sets in around 04:00, both disks find another 20 MB/s in read speed. The near-zero lines at the beginning and end show just how little reads are happening in my cluster at night.

So then let’s take a look at the write rates on the two hosts receiving the data:

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It shows again the 23:00 to 09:30 time frame. These are the writes of the two HDDs on the receiving end of the copy operation. Both disks hover around 55 MB/s to 60 MB/s, with one of the disks showing a lot more spikes, going as low as 20 MB/s and as high as 80 MB/s.

Write rate of the two target HDDs during the copy operation.

These two plots, reading and writing, show the difference between the two operations in a Ceph cluster. Reads can happen from both HDDs in parallel, with both only reading for around 35 MB/s, while writing happens at approximately the combined read rate of 55 MB/s to 60 MB/s. This is due to the fact each piece of data only needs to be read once, but written twice. I’m honestly not sure why the HDD in the one host shows such a spiky behavior in its writes, but it fits with the IOPS graph from above. But this also shows that the issue seems to be IOPS, not total achievable write throughput. Both receiving disks should be able to do over 100 MB/s, but neither does, because one of the disks has its IOPS saturated. And because the placement groups of the pool being written to are spread among both disks, the IOPS-limited disk holds back the faster disk.

Bad disk?

Let’s think back to that one receiving disk that got slammed with 100% IO utilization and still only had about 60 MB/s write throughput. I think that disk is either just bad, or mine is somewhat broken? After seeing the above performance, I decided to take a look at the OSD apply latency in both of my clusters. That’s the time it takes to flush an update to the disk, after it has been written to the journal already. For the disk in question, a Seagate 4 TB 5900 RPM model (ST4000VN008) with 64 MB of cache, the apply latency looks like this, over the last couple of years since I installed it in February of 2022:

A screenshot of a Grafana time series plot. It shows the apply latency in milliseconds for the 5 OSDs in my baremetal Ceph cluster. It beings in February 2022 and goes up to April 2023. It shows plots for all five OSDs, but four of them show a very low latency in the 1 - 10 ms range. Only one OSD is absolutely consistently far above that, hovering around 50 ms for the entire interval of the graph.

Ceph apply OSD latency for the five OSDs in my baremetal cluster.

This is a pretty stark picture. The lone plot hovering around 50 ms is the same HDD as the one which got the 100% IO utilization during the copy. In fairness, from 2022-02 to 2022-12 it was connected to a Pi 4 8GB sitting in the official I/O board with a SATA card in the PCIe slot. After that, it got transferred into an Odroid H3, but did not seem to change its bad perf at all. Perhaps it got complacent while sitting in the slow Pi and saw no reason to shape up after the transfer into the H3? 😉 It’s also important to note: Yes, two of the OSDs forming those indistinguishable lines at the bottom are SSDs, but two of them are also WD Red 4 TB HDDs, 5400 RPM drives. So it doesn’t stand out like that because it’s the only HDD. There are other HDDs.

Having gotten curious, I ran ceph tell osd.* bench on my Rook Ceph cluster. Here are the results:

osd.0: {
    "bytes_written": 1073741824,
    "blocksize": 4194304,
    "elapsed_sec": 0.423324704,
    "bytes_per_sec": 2536449713.0788755,
    "iops": 604.7367365548314
osd.1: {
    "bytes_written": 1073741824,
    "blocksize": 4194304,
    "elapsed_sec": 0.348712521,
    "bytes_per_sec": 3079160509.9835229,
    "iops": 734.12907361591408
osd.2: {
    "bytes_written": 1073741824,
    "blocksize": 4194304,
    "elapsed_sec": 6.0028269730000003,
    "bytes_per_sec": 178872692.62125373,
    "iops": 42.646573214829857
osd.3: {
    "bytes_written": 1073741824,
    "blocksize": 4194304,
    "elapsed_sec": 23.502430691000001,
    "bytes_per_sec": 45686415.933615655,
    "iops": 10.892490371135629

The two first OSDs are the SATA SSDs, the third one is an 8 TB Seagate HDD and the last one is the bad HDD. It’s pretty clear that something is wrong here. The 8 TB Seagate, osd.2, has 4x the IOPS of the 4 TB one. And at least from all of the other metrics, it does look like IOPS, not e.g. CPU or networking, is the issue.

Seeing that, I decided to dig even deeper, starting to worry that the disk might be on its last leg - although it is newer than the two WD Red I’ve got in the baremetal cluster. And this is what smartctl -a outputs:

  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   081   064   044    Pre-fail  Always       -       134444568
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0003   094   094   000    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   100   100   020    Old_age   Always       -       31
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   010    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   088   060   045    Pre-fail  Always       -       629089568
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   068   068   000    Old_age   Always       -       28425 (215 100 0)
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0013   100   100   097    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   020    Old_age   Always       -       30
184 End-to-End_Error        0x0032   100   100   099    Old_age   Always       -       0
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
188 Command_Timeout         0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
189 High_Fly_Writes         0x003a   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022   069   058   040    Old_age   Always       -       31 (Min/Max 24/35)
191 G-Sense_Error_Rate      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       13
193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0032   078   078   000    Old_age   Always       -       45654
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   031   042   000    Old_age   Always       -       31 (0 22 0 0 0)
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x003e   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
240 Head_Flying_Hours       0x0000   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       26876 (182 226 0)
241 Total_LBAs_Written      0x0000   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       58866038445
242 Total_LBAs_Read         0x0000   100   253   000    Old_age   Offline      -       472820704309

Look at those raw values for the Read and Seek error rates! 😲 But then I looked at the VALUE and THRESH values and started to be a bit suspicious. Something wasn’t adding up there, those values were looking okay. So I started googling and came across this reddit thread, which explains that these two values are actually multibit. And applying the right transformation shows the real values:

smartctl /dev/sda -a -v 1,raw48:54 -v 7,raw48:54
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   081   064   044    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   088   060   045    Pre-fail  Always       -       0

So it doesn’t look like the disk has any obvious issues. But the IOPS are still absolutely abysmal and worse than the 8TB disk’s.

So what now? I’m not sure. Replace the disk and hope that the replacement fares better? I’m not so sure about that. I’m also still not 100% convinced that it isn’t an issue of the machine it sits in. It started its life as a disk attached to a Raspberry Pi 4. And while the performance didn’t get any worse when I attached it to the Odroid H3, it also did not get any better, at all. Still, I’m not convinced that the host doesn’t have something to do with it.

One obvious solution would be to get a new HDD. Even if the old one is actually fine, I can just use it as a spare in case of catastrophic failure. My main concern for a new disk would be noise - my rack is right next to my desk, where I spend most of my free time. The disk being quiet is pretty high on my list. So a 5400 rpm disk would be the best choice. But: I’ve also just spend several paragraphs complaining about low IOPS on the HDD. And a 7200 RPM disk would definitely have more of those. I’m undecided.

A completely different approach would be going with Ceph’s ability to split WAL/DB and data. In Ceph, each OSD (the daemon which manages a single disk) stores four types of data. The first I will not discuss any further is the OSD’s config data, like it’s Ceph auth key. If this data is lost, the OSD could still be recovered. The WAL, Write Ahead Log, is a couple of GB worth of data that hasn’t been written to the actual file store yet. The third type is the RocksDB, which stores object metadata, like the mappings from object name to object location on disk. The fourth type of data to be stored is the payload itself - the actual data we want to store. Now, when a new piece of data is written, Ceph doesn’t just need to spend the necessary IOPS for writing the payload to the disk, but also the mandatory entry into the WAL and the update/addition of data in the RocksDB. All of that doesn’t just take time and bandwidth, but also and especially IOPS.

By default, and this is what I currently have in both of my Ceph clusters, the WAL and the RocksDB are co-located with the data store on the same spinning disk. So every piece of data is written twice to the same disk - once to the WAL, and once to the main data store. And then there’s the cost for the metadata update on top. Quite a lot of IOPS for a spinning disk. But with the current BlueStore implementation for the Ceph OSDs, the DB/WAL and the actual data storage can reside on different disks. A pretty common strategy seems to be to take the WAL/RocksDB for an HDD OSD and putting it on an SSD. From a sizing perspective, the rule of thumb seems to be to make the WAL/RocksDB drive 4% the size of the OSD’s own disk. And even a SATA SSD can easily take care of multiple OSDs. That would definitely be an interesting option to pursue. SATA SSDs aren’t that expensive anymore, at least for the relatively small sizes I’m thinking about.

But then again, the choice for the Odroid H3 is biting me a bit here - the board only has two SATA connectors, and they’re both already occupied.

I think this is an interesting option, but I will have to think more about it. As the HDD doesn’t seem to have any obvious issue and isn’t throwing any read errors, I’m happy to keep it running. And to be clear, I’m only seeing issues during larger copy operations. In daily use, the I/O utilization only goes above 20% during the nightly scrubs. So it will stay for now.

The Aftermath

On the positive side: I have my media library on the Rook cluster. But there was also a downside I only became aware of a couple of days after the copy, namely this cluster level warning starting to pop up on the Rook cluster:

ceph health detail
Info: running 'ceph' command with args: [health detail]
HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs not deep-scrubbed in time
[WRN] PG_NOT_DEEP_SCRUBBED: 1 pgs not deep-scrubbed in time
    pg 5.17 not deep-scrubbed since 2025-02-06T07:10:51.660560+0000

Deep scrubs are Ceph’s way of ensuring data consistency. The normal scrubs just compare checksums and such, but the deep scrubs compare the actual data between the different copies, so they’re pretty expensive. In my clusters, deep scrubs are allowed to be run in the time between 04:00 and 08:00.

But that time might not always be enough, and deep scrubs have a lower IO priority than normal client access to the OSDs. So during the large copy operation, deep scrubs got so slow that some PGs fell out of the required interval for deep scrubs. This interval is seven days by default.

When this health warning pops up, a deep scrub can be triggered outside the configured time window with this command:

ceph pg deep-scrub 5.17

The PG which needs deep scrubbing is given in the health warning.

In addition, I also had another problem, PGs stuck in deep scrub for a very long time. Cases like this can be identified by running the following command:

ceph pg dump pgs | grep "+scrubbing+deep"
3.1 [...]  deep scrubbing for 214s [...]

If the time given is very large, the scrubbing is likely stuck. I’ve found that the following command helps in these cases:

ceph pg repeer 3.1


Well, as I’ve noted above, I might need to either get a new HDD or start thinking about implementing WAL/RocksDB separation onto an SSD for my HDD OSDs. It isn’t really urgent, but these slow copy operations are still bothering me - although they happen quite infrequently.

Another thing I’ve learned through all of this is that I have to come up with a standard I/O benchmark I apply to disks before creating the OSDs on it. While I do trust the metrics and benchmark results I gave above, there was also a lot of fluctuation in them, and not all runs showed the 4 TB Seagate to be quite so bad.

There’s still a hell of a lot to learn about storage. I’m quite happy with Ceph and definitely don’t want to replace it, but I still feel the need to learn a bit more.

And that’s it for today. Next up for a post will be the migration of my Mastodon instance, which is already done at the time I’m writing these lines.