
On here, you will mostly find articles on running my home lab, in the hopes that others can benefit from my own trials and tribulations.

Homelab Heating?

I’ve been sitting on this topic since last summer, which was the first one during which I’ve had temperature measurements and history available for my living room. Said living room is also where my Homelab lives, right next to my desk. I’ve never really minded that, but it sitting right next to me most of the time was one factor in deciding to go with low-power Raspberry Pis instead of a couple of Enterprise grade servers....

August 21, 2024 · 5 min · Michael
The HashiCorp Nomad and Kubernetes logos, connected with an arrow pointing from Nomad to Kubernetes

Nomad to k8s, Part 13: Almost one year

Wherein I realize that I’ve been at this for almost a year now. This is part 14 of my k8s migration series. It has been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post about the migration. And I’ve realized today that it’s been almost a year since I made the decision to switch over to Kubernetes for my Homelab. On the 17th of August 2023, I posted about the HashiPocalypse....

August 15, 2024 · 4 min · Michael
A Grafana gauge panel. It is red, with the text 98.5% below it.

Prometheus Metrics Cleanup

I had to clean up my Prometheus data, and it got pretty darned close there. When it comes to my metrics, I’m very much a data hoarder. Metrics gathering was what got me into Homelabbing as a hobby, instead of just a means to an end. Telegraf/Influx/Grafana were the first new services on my Homeserver in about five years. And I really do like looking at my dashboards, including looking at past data....

June 28, 2024 · 8 min · Michael

Homelab Backup Operator Part II: Basic Framework

In the last post of my Backup Operator series, I lamented the state of permissions in the kopf Kubernetes Operator framework. After some thinking, I decided to go ahead with kopf and just accept the permission/RBAC ugliness. I’ve just finished implementing the first cluster state change in the operator, so I thought this is a good place to write a post about my approach and setup. The journey up to now has been pretty interesting....

May 25, 2024 · 21 min · Michael

Homelab Backup Operator Part I: RBAC permission issues

As I’ve mentioned in my last k8s migration post, I’m working on writing a Homelab backup operator for my Kubernetes cluster. And I’ve run into some RBAC/permission issues I can’t quite figure out. So let’s see whether writing about it helps. 🙂 First, a short overview of the plan. I’m using the kopf framework to build a Kubernetes operator. This operator’s main goal is to handle HomelabServiceBackup resources. These will contain a list of PersitentVolumeClaims and S3 buckets which need to be backed up....

May 12, 2024 · 5 min · Michael